Thursday 27 June 2024

Discomfort can be a catalyst

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Sri Aurobindo on the modes of human unity

Sincerity is the key. Sri Aurobindo needs to be read around the world.

When I read The Happy Prince, it made a deep impact on my conscience and always me thoughtful about the suffering of the orders. Some stories need discussions in-depth to have them ingrained in our minds and have a part of our personality.

The failure of the BJP to secure an absolute majority in this Lok Sabha election is also being seen as an apparent failure of radical Hindutva, especially in Uttar Pradesh. The party lost its electoral hegemony in the state, unable to even win the symbolic Faizabad (Ayodhya) seat. This is also true about Varanasi. Although Prime Minister Narendra Modi won comfortably, the vote share of the party fell in this constituency as well.

The rejection of the BJP is not a rejection of Hindutva: The building of the temple was popular and communalism is growing. But the BJP made the mistake of thinking this could transform into political capital indefinitely. Whereas voters were asking: What next? The consolidation of Hindutva as a political force in part depended on its ability to deliver a vision of developed India. It did, in some areas that could be dealt with in mission mode. But the fundamental transformations again eluded it. So both caste- and religion-based parties become more attractive if they can convince voters they can govern well. 

Modi's Comeuppance: The Waning of Hindutva.

B Kampmark - International Policy Digest, 2024
The article discusses the recent election results in India, which were surprising and did not go as expected. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), were expected to win easily, but they only won 290 out of 543 …


… of the application of the ideology of Hindutva, which is the ideology of modern Indian society derived from Hinduism. The method used for this study is qualitative research and literature study, this study explores how Hindutva ideology and the …

Educating the 'Adivasis': Understanding Ekal Vidyalayas Inside the Tea Gardens of Assam

SS Phukan - Contemporary Education Dialogue, 2024
… This works as an effective model for Hindutva as the Sangh seeks to bring popularly Christiandominated tea gardens into its Hindutva fold. … Based on fieldwork, this article argues that the Ekal Vidyalaya is an ideological apparatus of …

The Saffronization of Indian Schools: A Disturbing Incident in Telangana.

M ZAIN UL ABDIN - International Policy Digest, 2024
… *HINDUTVA … This incident highlights the need to protect minority rights and address the growing influence of Hindutva ideology in India. Efforts must be made to promote interfaith understanding and counter the forces of saffronization. [Extracted …

[HTML] Posts in category: Events

P Chacko
… Hindutva futurism Abstract: This presentation to argue that authoritarian populist politics in India utilizes populist discursive and mobilizing strategies to advance a ‘Hindutva … The symbolism of Hindutva futurism has been epitomized by an archetypal past-cum-future …


RK Mishra, S Sharma - Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics, Marketing and …, 2024
… This paper explores the intersection of Chomsky's theory with Sri Aurobindo's concept of psychicisation, particularly in relation to language … Sri Aurobindo's vision of human consciousness undergoing transformative stages. Through an …… Through an analysis informed by Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga, which encompasses the psychic transformation of human consciousness, this study examines how stimulus-free language embodies the essence of a "psychicised mind." …

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… It is against this background that the work of the prominent writers of this period must be viewed and it now becomes clear why the different psittacism of Kashiprasad Ghose should make room for the confident authenticity of Toru Dutt, Sri …

Transnational Community Mobilization and Transformation, 2010-2020

AO Farah - 2024
This book contends that the struggle and perseverance of transnational communities occur within and through at least three interrelated dynamic socio-political processes. The first is the pattern in which transnational communities mobilize to access public …

128. Transhumanism

JM Gidley - Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and …, 2024
While transhumanism began its journey as a humanistic and evolutionary concept, it was hijacked by late 20th century technotopians. Transhumanism in the popular sense today is inextricably linked with technological enhancement or extensions of …

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MP van Dijk - 2024
Three paradigms to deal with urban water issues are compared. The analysis focuses on their definition and objectives, the role of different stakeholders, the issues they deal with, and the possible solutions suggested. The paradigms differ in …

[PDF] Importance of Yoga in Human Life in Present Days

A Ray
… The strategy to control or lose weight has therefore to be targeted to reduction of Calorie intake as well as increase of Physical activity like yoga and phanayama. Yogi exercise is an integral part of any weight-reducing Programmes. Generally …

[PDF] Growing up and Waking up-New Perspectives in Mind-Body Medicine Illustrated by the Model of Meditation-Based Lifestyle Modification (MBLM)

HC Bringmann
… Yoga. This research underscores the differential and synergistic benefits of combining meditation with ethical education and physical Yoga, … This process is integral to transpersonal psychology, which explores the spiritual aspects of human …

[HTML] Discomfort as a Catalyst: Turning Life's Challenges into Opportunities for Growth

M Ahlstrom
… my yoga mat, waiting for the hot yoga class that I regularly attended to begin. The thermostat was set to about 100F, designed to provide an environment conducive to deeper stretching and better detoxification—two of the benefits that I valued in my …

Exploring Samkhya Philosophy: The Path to Self-Realization

… x Yoga combines philosophical and practical elements to achieve spiritual realization. … In summary, Jnana is the cornerstone of Samkhya Yoga, offering a profound realization of the nature of Prakriti and Purusha and the distinction …

Implementing Contemplative Education for Enhancing Spirituality in Hong Kong Schools

ENS Lau - The Routledge International Handbook of Life and …, 2024
… and other transperonalists, such as Wilbur, who introduced an integral and holistic approach to human consciousness and education. … In summary, Asian philosophical traditions, transpersonal psychology, yoga in the West and scientific …

[PDF] Research on Reforming Physical Education Teaching Strategies Based on Student Needs Perspective

Q He - Frontiers in Sport Research, 2024
… Physical education, as an integral component of school education, plays a crucial role in the holistic development and well-being of … Organizing fitness exercises and yoga classes related to popular sports activities can satisfy students' diverse …

[PDF] Centering and counselor empathy: Examining the moderating effects of nondual awareness

D Gutierrez, S Dorais, J Niles - Journal of Counseling & Development, 2024
Centering is a contemplative practice derived from centering prayer. In the context of counseling, our study explores centering as an intervention to enhance counselors’ empathy. Additionally, we investigate the moderating influence of nonduality …

Spiritual Education, Local Wisdom and Well-Being in Bhutan: What It Means for Young People

K Chophel, SE Smith, J Mason, A Moir-Bussy - … of Life and Values Education in Asia, 2024
In this chapter, the landloc ked Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan provides an exemplar of how indigenous knowledge and a rich spiritual heritage are integrated into the public health system and well-being of the nation. This bipartite health system has …

[PDF] Life evaluation, affluence and trust in the NDA government

R Gaiha, V Unnikrishnan, VS Kulkarni, R Aggarwal - 2024
… The BJP’s aggressive pursuit of a vision inspired by Hindutva has driven a public discourse in which Muslims are openly vilified, has encouraged official tolerance of extra-legal violence against them, and has led to decisions such as the government’s …


I Mahfuz
… They have neutralized the Hindutva onslaught by using alternative media channels. They have appealed for a peaceful civil disobedience … or the ruling party leaders who openly appease Hindu communalism, declaring themselves as …

[PDF] Indian Farmers' Struggle 2020–2021: Contemporary Agrarian Questions and Challenges for a Marxian Political Ecology of Agriculture

N Ravipati - Sociological Bulletin, 2024
… Furthermore, the all-embracing character of authoritarian populism, which appropriates all divisions and contradictions into its divisive Hindutva politics, necessitated a broad social base. The fight against Hindutva and authoritarian …


Z Aslam, N ul Ain - International Research Journal of Religious Studies, 2024
Pakistan's political trajectory has been strongly influenced by religion because the country emerged as a Muslim state. The situation can be divided into two stages: the pre-partition and post-partition eras. Islam was an effective means for political …

[PDF] The History and or/the Myth of Ayodhya: An Enquiry into the Underlying Narratives

TR Barbhuiya
There seems to have a tendency in historical studies to conflate history with the past so as to either cast aside the latter as an essentialist narrative or to denounce the danger of a mythic past. The Ayodhya issue has been the matter of dispute, debate …

Why do environmentalists only focus on #globalwarming? Why do existential riskers only focus on #AI? It is the mistaken belief that if you just address one small part of the whole, you can somehow fix all the problems, even the unrelated ones, and save life on Earth.

AI Doomers ignore the seriousness of the environmental crises. The whole "existential risk from AI" narrative stems from the "don't even think about it" problem described by George Marshall in his book of the same name. Understanding existential risk became hijacked by ai-phobia.

Interesting that he doesn't mention Yuri Bezmenov. I feel this weakens his argument. Woke-critical academia moves in a different filter bubble and echo chamber to popular discourse of people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Jordan Peterson. But which narrative better explains the woke?

The culture war may well become the woke's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) versus the libertarian capitalist Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence (MEI). I don't know if DEI in real life has been misused to the degree my filter bubble says it has.

RIP Progressivism: 2015-2024

When the history books of the progressive era are written, the Sanders campaign will be the first chapter and the Watermelon Freaks will be the final chapter. 

We were a quirky, but well meaning political movement that started as a push for universal healthcare and better treatment for minorities.

The problem was, we never came up with any mechanism to regulate our worst ideas. Slowly over the next decade, they became more and more ridiculous. Abolish the police is a great example.

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