Assorted tweets:
Forming a Hindu Party and capturing power are two different objectives. BJP opted for the latter through many compromises and will continue to do so. Clinging to a definite ideology is not practical since issues lose relevance with time. Art of the possible is the best definition.
We sensed moderation in the approach of Modi govt and extended support. Apart from people like Jaitley or RSS, Reliance may be responsible for the middle path. Hindutva and Dynasty are aberrations and must be thrown away. Following Sri Aurobindo therefore is the most sensible way.
Right from 2013 we have been telling that Modi is not the right PM candidate and a vast country like India deserves a better qualified one. So nothing much is expected of him than vacating the chair in 2024. Those discovering his betrayal must check their own intellectual calibre.
The life and mythology around The Mother & Sri Aurobindo has Hitler as a key figure like any epic and this new religion is to replace all other religions. Understanding this basic fact is necessary for right appreciation of their work. Those clinging to Hindutva need to wake up.
Ideological confusion continues among those who have captured power on false planks. It's good in a way in as much as new ideas are discussed or experimented. Past theories have their limitations and must not be applied uncritically. Only Sri Aurobindo remains relevant for future.
Savitri Era Party came into being twelve years back in 2007. Bringing Sri Aurobindo's knowledge to the forefront is possible if his followers form a formidable force to reckon with. Solidarity and concerted action is essential for this lofty goal; Hindutva needs to be jettisoned.
Even after successive spiritual experiences, Sri Aurobindo chose the intellectual route to spread his synthetic knowledge and Integral vision. No single text can impart that and the right course perhaps is to rummage through one hundred primary volumes with a childlike curiosity.
Rainbow & the Other: Chemical and evolutionary basis for love
the Orchid and the rOse: Bringing Sri Aurobindo's knowledge to the forefront
Feel Philosophy: There is no yoga; you make your own path
Aurora Mirabilis: Vedic mantras were articulated long before the Hindus
Marketime: Only Sri Aurobindo remains relevant for the future
Savitri Era Open Forum: Sri Aurobindo’s Shakespeare criticism is unmatched
Savitri Era Political Action: Savitri Era to replace all other religions
Marketime: Even when one is deep into Sri Aurobindo one loses balance
Savitri Era Religious Fraternity: A practical and effective means of coming out of the present chaos
VIP VAK: Even in retirement Sri Aurobindo was more active
Evergreen Essays: One must crawl before one can walk
Plain & Simple: A non-fiction novel about Auroville
Savitri Era Learning Forum: Aesthetics like nutrition should seek the right-mix
Aurora Mirabilis: Sri Aurobindo is the last word on human behaviour and collective psychology
the Orchid and the rOse: Much-needed respite from certainty and triumphalism
Savitri Era Open Forum: Each narrative needs some corrective
Feel Philosophy: Do not pause to ask why
Savitri Era Religious Fraternity: Yoga includes Rasa; Aesthetics is beyond morality
Savitri Era Political Action: Not all societies are attempting to solve the same kinds of problems
Savitri Era: Geography and nature teach the primacy of diversity
Savitri Era Learning Forum: Fiction says nothing concrete; it does not deliver clear judgements
Marketime: Electoral victory is not ideological victory
Reimagining and Refashioning Integral Management - Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) Ghaziabad
TN Mohapatra
SAMSMRITI SAMS Journal 10 (2), 16-17 2016
Reimagining and Refashioning Integral Management
TN Mohapatra
Nitte Management Review 9 (2), 1-18 2015
#MirraAlfassa #SriAurobindo #WorldUnion #SAVITRI
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