Wednesday 11 September 2024

Absurdities, ironies, tragedies, and cruelties

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Part 1: Sri Aurobindo's study of Vedic texts reveals a profound psychological and spiritual framework that challenges Western interpretations. This scholarly article by @pingaligopal critically examines the contrasting views of #SriAurobindo and Western Indology, emphasizing the depth of Vedic symbolism beyond mere ritualism and its connection to cosmic principles and human consciousness.

#Aurobindo_Indology #TheSecretOfTheVeda #Indology @IndicaOrg

Divine Secrets for the Blessed Life - Ashutosh Kumar
The Journey Towards Greatness : Learning From the Lives of Legends - Ashutosh Kumar 
The Friendless God - S. Anuradha

Foundations of Tilak's Nationalism: Discrimination, Education & Hindutva by Parimala V. Rao (Jun 1, 2010)… via @amazon

Among a crisis in the humanities, scholars debate whether literary theory is avant-garde or lyric. But why choose? 
To them, literary theory can be either avant-garde or lyric, a tool for stepping back from the world or for more fully inhabiting it. Even as crises multiply, they assert that theory remains valuable.
If faith in something as abstruse as literary theory seems absurd, consider a more familiar vehicle of human knowledge: the novel. As a form, “the novel” has the capacity to operate in two registers simultaneously, representing both the enormous breadth of the social world and the intricate minutiae of the individual life. There is no reason why theory, taken collectively, cannot or should not do the same, providing us with the language to describe the abstract operations of cultural systems and the concrete foundations of everyday experience. Given the scope of the crisis before us, we will need theory of all stripes to find our way forward.

“Beauty, in the modern sense, has been reduced to the image of it rather than also embracing the process of it. For in doing the latter, we see beauty as something much more than a vanity.”

Some thoughts about beauty as a process on @Rasajournal here.

Western intellectuals for decades have had access to teachings of the great gurus of India like Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi, Yogananda, Vivekananda. Yet still adulate Marx and Freud who had no idea of any higher consciousness beyond the body or reality beyond the material world.

I found that western scholars typically undermine spiritual ideas and categorize them as pseudoscience. I believe this reflects the human mind’s tendency to cling onto material things that it can easily perceive. 

Exploring the realms of consciousness requires humility and a willingness to surrender the ego. This won’t happen anytime soon because academia today is purely about reputation. If anyone even dares to speak about formless consciousness they are frowned upon and quickly blacklisted by the scientific community.

Unfortunately, this even applies to brahmin Hindu professors from reputed universities. Their cowardice might spell doom for the entire civilisation.

In ‘Long Island’, the sequel to his novel ‘Brooklyn’, Colm Tóibín weaves together desire, compulsion and motivation

Once Upon a Forest - Documentary Film - Auroville Botanical Gardens… via @YouTube

"Walking is the ultimate in slow travel, and therefore in immersive travel. With books about walking, you really feel like you are traveling in the company of that person, you are with them every step of the way." The Best Hiking Memoirs
Western-Islamic and Native AmericanGenealogies of Integral Education
Gary P. Hampson

Through the power of its music, through the dialectic of its juxtapositions, through the pressure of its metaphors, through the variety of its registers the [new] poetry comes to enunciate its meanings.—Abbs, 2003, p. 108

What apt meanings or identifications can be given to integral education?1 To address this question one might imagine a dimension of semantic possibilities ranging from the contracted to the expansive. The former might involve (i) restriction to integrative notions arising from the lineage of one author such as Aurobindo or Wilber; (ii) restriction to explicit usage of the term integral itself—thus for instance including Bakunin, Maritain (Molz & Hampson, current volume), Soloviev, Sorokin and Kremer (1996) but excluding pre-1997 Wilber and various holistic educators and; or (iii) restriction to a default, loosely pragmatic, cluster of ideas where identification might be made more in relation to, say, the signifier holistic than anarchist, Catholic, or indigenous. Such contracted interpretations could be understood as pertaining to a modern worldview which de facto moves toward prosaic, instrumental closure of the literal and/or conventional (regardless of discursive use of such terms as “integral” or “postconventional”)2—an economical perspective (in deference at least to Occam’s razor) on what could potentially be usefully true or appropriate. Such interpretations no doubt have validity for certain contexts. However, given the heterogeneity of both the use of the term and also that potentially signified by such uses, explorations involving more expansive accounts would appear to be in order.

Published by SUNY Press 2010
Elements of the Underacknowledged History of Integral Education
From the book Integral Education
Markus Molz and Gary P. Hampson

Elements of the Underacknowledged History of Integral Education Markus Molz and Gary P. Hampson Introduction This chapter seeks to facilitate adequate breadth and depth in integral education theorizing through identifying hitherto underacknowledged yet pertinent historical streams (focusing on mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries) which have explicitly embraced the term integral education. Emphasising leading protagonists, prioritization will be given to socialist and Catholic integral education streams, with additional mention of the (perhaps more familiar) Aurobindean and Gebserian threads.
These—along with other integral approaches such as those in relation to Steiner (Gidley, 2007; current volume) and Sorokin (Jeffries, 1999; Snauwaert, 1990)—may fittingly be viewed as part of an ecology of (variously overlapping and particularised) integral education streams potentially in “deep dialogue” with each other. Such identification can form part of a yet larger picture including an extensive global history of integral education incorporating the contemporary situation.
Socialist Integral Education
Early use of the term integral education can be found in the approaches of a few French and Russian socialists. Charles Fourier (1772–1837), Victor Considérant (1808–93), Jean-Baptiste Godin (1817–88)
Fourier, a founder of the socialist movement, had developed a system of harmonic education by 1829. Attendant to gender equality, inter-individual and social differences, 

The Complete Yoga
The Lineage of Integral Education
Jim Ryan
The word “integral” has entered the vocabulary of higher education. It has no single defi nition, admitting of a myriad of meanings and understandings in practice. But many in the West respond to the word nearly instinctively, as if it provides a resonance of possibility that is lacking in contemporary experience, not only in the educational realm. For the purposes of this chapter, I will use the meaning of the word Integral as it is infl ected in the Integral Philosophy and Integral Yoga of Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri, who drew his central insights from the Indian sage Sri Aurobindo and from the ideas of Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual partner Mirra Alfassa (referred to as The Mother. Also referenced as M. Richards.) (I term these three and their followers as “Integralists.”) Taking Chaudhuri’s notion of Integral for this discussion on education is by no means arbitrary. Chaudhuri founded the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco in 1968, a graduate school, which was dedicated to the ideal of providing an integral education in the West.1
The word, Integral, in the tradition of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother is a term that comes from the Sanskrit word purna, which means complete. When Sri Aurobindo examined many of the ancient yogas of India, he found that each focused on a particular aspect of the human being. One yoga might focus on the physical body (hatha yoga), one might focus on the emotional (bhakti yoga), one might focus on a factor of knowledge (jnana yoga), or one might focus on action (karma yoga.) Sri Aurobindo, acknowledging and affi rming the positive elements of these many yogas, endeavored to develop and practice an “Integral Yoga,” a “Complete Yoga,” that would serve the complete human being.I will not dwell here on certain of the basic and unique philosophical assump-tions that Sri Aurobindo and The Mother made. I will touch on them only later, in order to put them in proper context. For now let me summarize the notion  

[The Complete Yoga - The Lineage of Integral Education - Jim  Ryan - Sri  Aurobindo, acknowledging and affirming the positive elements of these many yogas, endeavored to develop and practice an "Integral Yoga," a "Complete Yoga," that would serve the complete human being.]

A century later, Kafka still haunts our imagination, immortalised in the word “Kafkaesque", liberally invoked across cultures and languages to describe the systemic absurdities, ironies, tragedies and cruelties that plague the human condition. Kafka’s writing continues to inspire a burgeoning ecosystem of films, books and artwork, bolstering a bustling tourism industry in Prague, the city of his birth.

Kafka’s literary genius is, no doubt, at the centre of his enduring global appeal. But there is also a certain je ne sais quoi about his mystique, an ineffable quality that “makes Kafka Kafka", as scholar Karolina Watroba writes in her recent book, Metamorphoses: In Search of Franz Kafka.

Kafka’s sceptre casts a long shadow on Asian writers, including in India, where his novels have been translated into Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil and Malayalam, writes @somakghoshal

Thursday 8 August 2024

Range of complaints regarding Auroville

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

I make no difference between work and yoga. Work itself is yoga if it is done in a spirit of dedication and surrender. - The Mother. To subscribe to our YouTube ...
10 hours ago — Sri Aurobindo (born Aurobindo Ghose; 15 August 1872 5 December 1950) was an Indian philosopher, yoga guru, maharishi, poet, and Indian nationalist. He was also ...
7 hours ago — It was an age of tentatives and for the most part of failures. Meanwhile the main current of verse up till 1798 followed the direction given it by Pope only ...
Daily Message #SriAurobindoAshramDelhiBranch #TheMother #SriAurobindo #SriMaa #DailyMessage #MotivationalQuotes #Spiritual #Spirituality #evolution...
16 hours ago — Remembrance of Sri Aurobindo Souvenir de Sri Aurobindo. Lobelia erinus. SCREEN. "Cambridge Blue". PHOTO ID: 06011. SOURCE:
22 hours ago — A Saint, a Poorna Yogi, disciple of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo, Sri Lakshmi Kantarao Khanapurkar, affectionately called as Bapu Maharaj by his disciples, ...
... Sri Aurobindo to our Education system. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh occupies a very important position among the contemporary Indian philosophers of education due to ...
12 hours ago — Range of complaints regarding Auroville referred to agencies, says MoS · The Hindu Bureau · Union External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar speaks in the Rajya ...
Spiritual Seeker•440K views · 27:19 · Go to channel · 29th February 1960 ~ Organ Plays by Mother Mirra Alfassa. Axis Being Community•247K views · 14:38 · Go to ...
The Mother : Glimpses of Her Life | Mirra Alfassa | Sri Aurobindo... The Mother was born Mirra Alfassa in Paris on 21 February 1878. A pupil at the Academie ...
The Mother was born Mirra Alfassa in Paris on 21 February 1878. A pupil at the Academie Julian, she became an accomplished artist, and also excelled as a pianis...
14 Aug 2023 — Mirra Alfassa, or the Mother, was the most important person in Sri Aurobindo's life, and carried forward his work following his death.

For some reason, I've lately been thinking of my friend Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (1909-1999), the single most intelligent and learned man I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. He would say with complete confidence that democracy was a brief parenthesis of history, doomed to the dustbin, because it would evolve into a technocratic tyranny that served no one but the elites, to be replaced by a return to a popular monarchism or a complete dismantlement of what we currently call the nation-state. I recall thinking that he was surely wrong.

Democracy is unnatural because equality is unnatural. It is myopic because the maximum vision of a democratic government is not beyond 5 years as that is its tenure. It is also the weakest form of government for obvious reasons. More importantly, democracy is self-destructive of its people and civilisations. Democratic Europe inexorably becoming Eurabia negating its Christian civilisation, and Democratic Hindu India self-declaring as Secular India only to quickly become Anti-Hindu negating its ancient Hindu civilisation are the live and prime examples of democratic self-destruction. On the contrary, the people of the countries/civilisation namely, Islamic countries, that are not democratic or only nominally democratic are growing to dominate the world. Therefore, with a hindsight monarchy was not as bad as it was propagandised. Transforming democracy into monarchy may probably help save the battered European and Hindu civilisations.

So, your late friend was right.

The "equality" part of democracy is ONLY supposed to be under law.. there too India has miserably failed.. with a desperate attempt to make those w/o talent or skills somehow equal to those with having it.. India is a brainless stupid system.. thats all..

Filthy pieces of shit, not content with raping and murdering Hindus and destroying temples, they have to take it out on animals as well. All they know is cruelty. Notice no global news, no street marches, no UN protests, no ICJ, just standard UN & leftist hypocrisy

Those of us who don’t turn a blind eye to targeting of minorities in India cannot and must not turn a blind eye to targeting  of minorities in Bangladesh. This report is scary and a shameful reflection on the state of affairs in Bangladesh currently.

From being the first politically organised (in the modern sense of the term) Indic ethnic group in colonial India (largely a legacy of Rammohun Roy, Devendranath Tagore, Nabagopal Mitra, Rajnarayan Bose, Bankim Chatterjee, Surendranath Banerjee, and Anandamohan Bose) to becoming the most dispersed, disunited and vulnerable ethnic Indic group in the Indian subcontinent today -- we Bengalis have fallen way too low and hard. And more than an intellectual failure, it is a moral failure. We've lost our moral fibre. We lost respect for each other, and started seeing each other as mere competitors. We supplanted our God, our Para-Brahma -- who we used to worship in the manifold manifestations of deities like Bhagabati Durga/Kali, Sri Hari/Narayan, and Baba Bholanath/Mahadeb -- by a blind worship of rank materialism.

If we are to have any hope of recovering as a community from this abyss, we should acknowledge this catastrophic moral failure on our part as a community and as individuals, and start making amends, now. We must identify & revivify our cherished ideas and ideals, both traditional and modern ones; we must invoke the favour and grace of our God through our beloved deities; and we must start organising ourselves, socially and politically, around these anchors. Now.

[HTML] Swadeshi movement

R Dixit, SU India, SJ Manch
The Swadeshi movement was a self-sufficiency movement that was part of the Indian independence movement and contributed to the development of Indian nationalism. Before the BML Government's decision for the partition of Bengal was …

The Sustained Public Memory of Three Revolutionary Freedom Fighters in Indian Popular Culture

SS Jetty - 2024
… The right-wing political groups promoting the Hindutva agenda have wielded significant influence in the Indian political and cultural spheres. They have achieved this by restructuring and reshaping elements of Indian history to construct a shared "collective …

[HTML] Introduction to the Special Issue: Hindutva and the Rule (s) of Law

M Sudhir Selvaraj, R Susewind - Social & Legal Studies, 2024
… Hindutva as a political ideology and the current dispensation as political agents conceive of the rule of law, its purpose and function? Which rules do they want the law to follow? We combine papers that trace Hindutva's own … movement, also …


SA Sheikh
… Hindutva: Who Is a Hindu? He defines India culturally as a Hindu country and intends to transform it into a Hindu rashtra (Jafferlot 2019). In present India, Hindu nationalism is mainly represented by BJP with its staunch Hindutva … Rise of …

[PDF] Narratives, Nations, and Other World Products in the Making of Global History

J Adelman, A Eckert - 2024
Explaining how nations and narratives have been the products of transnational, cross-border forces of migration and cultural exchange, this open access volume presents a global history of the basic ideas that govern our understanding of the …

[PDF] The Decline of Republican Democracy and Rise of the Techno-authoritarian State: Reading Dystopian Novels in Hindi Literature

MN Thakur - Midwest Social Sciences Journal, 2024
… Its context is the pre-Babri Mosque demolition, hence politics before the rise of Hindutva as the politically dominant force. This text reminds us that it is a mistake to see politics from above; instead, we need to capture the trends in people’s everyday …

The Elephant in the Baithak: Tabla and Audio Technological Discourse

T Thom - 2024
This thesis discusses how power, status, and performance practices play out between tabla performers (North Indian hand drums) and audio engineers. To do so, I analyze engineer, performer, and music critic discourse surrounding tabla …

[PDF] Vedic Revivalism between Ancient and Contemporary Culture

PSD McCartney
Over six sections this entry provides a window into the different realms of the topic of Vedic Revivalism. Below, several periods are covered on the following themes: Ancient Links; Historical and Contemporary Sociolinguistic Issues related to …

Gendered erasures in memory: Silencing of cases of sexual violence in 1984

A Saluja - Sikh Formations, 2024
In this paper, I have addressed the issue of sexual violence in the specific context of the 1984 anti-Sikh carnage in Delhi. Though a significant number of cases of sexual assault took place in Delhi in November 1984, they have largely remained shrouded …

Saffron Ethnocracy: conceptualising ethnocracy in India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka

R Shahid, R Lee - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2024
Myanmar’s political system during the 2010–2021 period shares much in common with the political systems of neighbouring India and nearby Sri Lanka, and so this article identifies all three as ethnocratic, arguing these polities represent a variation …

Film as a Majoritarian Framework of Hindu Nationalism: The Case of Purab Aur Pachhim

P Jain, A Raina - Visual Anthropology of Indian Films: Religious …, 2024
… In this grand narrative (about Hindutva), the idea of the people–nation is as old as Indian civilisation. And the upper caste Hindu male, speaking a northern Indian language is the most legitimate Indian, and every other identity is to be defined and …

Intellectual Decolonisation: Critical Perspectives

G Hull - 2024
This book puts contemporary calls for decolonisation in context. Featuring an interdisciplinary team of scholars from around the world, the book explores and critically assesses the diverse theoretical visions which inform calls for …

[HTML] Questioning Socialism & Secularism

R Sachar
An unimaginable crisis has gripped our country. Only a straightforward, clear declaration by the Prime Minister can clear it. I am referring to the advertisement issued by the Government of India's IB Ministry on the Republic Day carrying in the …

[PDF] Prof. Deepak Pandey Dr. Prerna Gulati

T Gautam, MA Wani, MR Sharma, MB Dhoundiyal…
Folklore or Traditional Cultural Expressions (henceforth TCEs) are alternative names for TCEs, which are also designated as expressions of traditional knowledge, due to their origins in the culture of indigenous communities and individuals. The …

[PDF] Ecological Implications in the Poetry of Nissim Ezekiel, AK Ramanujan and Gieve Patel: An Ecocricial Approach to Indian English Poetry

RR Patel
Indian English poetry is the oldest form of Indian English literature and has been a rich contribution to the world of literature.“Indian poets writing in English have succeeded to nativize or indianize English in order to reveal typical Indian situations”(Wikipedia) …